Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I had my first day of class, four people in the classroom is pretty nice. I think we are teaching her as much english as she is teaching us espaƱol. Sorry If I make lots of errors typing, I am paying for the internet by the minute so I am in a hurry, it´s a Spanish keyboard and most of the letters are marked incorrectly.

I´ve been trying to upload pictures for about twenty minutes and it´s not working. Tomorrow afternoon I´m going to the top of La Pichincha a huge active volcanoe. Then at night Xiao, mi mama y mi hermano David are going to a discoteca so it might be a couple more days untill I get a chance to post again. David said it´s ´ladies night` haha. It should be really fun especially since we are going with our mama.

Yesterday I thought I ordered a fried banana cheese ball, it didn´t taste like banana at all but was very yummy.

I´m pretty bummed these pictures won´t load, oh well better luck next time.


  1. I am so glad to hear everything is going well! I have sent you dos letters and I hope you get them soon. :)

  2. Watch out for Ladies Night, I don't want to see
    Pictures of You Dancing on Top of Tables.

    Love and Miss You,
    Your Real Mom

  3. hey lisa, sounds like you are havin a great time,enjoy all you can an have fun, be careful,ancomm remember we all love an miss ya,so please come home ,lolol, como si yomo,edesto,love dad
