Sunday, October 18, 2009


The Alice Project in a nutshell...
It has taken 20 years of research to create a school beyond the mechanistic paradigm.
PROJECT ALICE brings about perceptual revolution in the mind of the child though simple, scientific explanation. Recognizing Unity and withdrawing our projections, we try to develop Universal Responsibility and create a new world our of love and wisdom.

Using meditation, philosophical teaching, yoga, mantras, dance & art programs as well as Japanese, Italian and the historical dead language Sanskrit we nourish every part of the growing child, not only in the classroom where the teachers incorporate religion and the Alice Philosophy acting as mini-gurus to their students, but we also initiate sewing projects, dance parties, special pujas, cricket matches, orphan outreach and the one of the most advanced English programs in the nation which I'm proud to be a part of. The children actually call my classroom "magic English classroom" haha. We also teach non discrimination and religious tolerance by focusing on the universal connections that can be found in all the world major religions. "Love you neighbor as yourself" can be found posted on the walls of most classrooms.
Showing me how to write my name in Japanese.
The students are taught that this world is only a projection of your mind, therefore we can control our thoughts and project positive loving energies like loving our neighbors and bodily discipline. Only when your mind is clear and at a peaceful equilibrium can we enter into bliss where afterward all our actions will be positive. A 15 year old named Vikas explained to me,
"I am not this body, I am not this restless mind."

I bought some Uno card in Kolkata...and instant hit! Everytime someone throws down a draw four or reverse card we yell "Sawdee Sawdee sawdee sawdee..." really fast. It's funny because we exaggerate the hindi accent that says sorry like "sawdee." Oh yea and uno is "oh, no!" HAHAHHA!!!!!!!!
(below: Akash Wins!)
No electricity doesn't stop OhNo parties.
Not exactly sure why he wrote my name on the bottom...
A program with Don Bosco street children for Gandhiji's Birthday, the whole thing was hilarious they didn't care so much about Gandhi but wanted to paint dragons and my name.

They're beautiful.
SUNIL! Class 9, he's in my English class and is hilarious. I'm not sure why he is posing so awkwardly.
The woman on the right is Asha, she is getting married November 26th and I am invited! It's a huge honor and I'm looking for the perfect wedding gift. (This is ironic that I will be at a wedding in India very close to the same day as my good friends Steve and Dana from home.)
The dissonance between creed and deed is the root of innumerable wrongs in our civilization; it is the weakness of all churches, states parties, and persons. It gives institution and men split personalities.

Girl's painting class gallery showing in the Alice in Wonderland garden at our school.

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