Saturday, December 19, 2009

Plaid Is In

Now that I've been thrown back into the world of hustle, stress, arguments, DVR, and YouTube marathons. When I ask...what did I miss? What happened? All I'm getting from everybody is...

-Lady Gaga is huge
-Taylor Swift is dating some werewolf from Twilight
-Obama is sending my cousin BACK to Iraq for the 3rd time even though he has 4 kids and his wife has MS.
-Plaid is in
-Icthus is taking another campanooing trip (score!)
-Lauren Davis and Alex Russel are dating (adorable)
-Mirey Cirus has a song about not getting a memo about wearing stilettos or something

Honestly I haven't got much more out of anyone than that...and the Lady Gaga news seems to be the BIGGEST DEAL EVER or something (even my mom named dropped her.)

I'm not purposing that Popular Culture is intrinsically bad but when celebrity gossip and fashion trends becomes what we think of to define our last five months its a sad life we lead here.

Lets define our lives by love and not media.
By deep conversations and not YouTube videos.
Lets lead more spiritual lives...where spirituality is truth and breath not just something we list on our Facebook interest.
Who's with me!? We can do it!


  1. YES!! This is my ultimate goal in life. Live deeper, stronger more committed lives for Christ! NOT for this ol' world.

    I'm with ya!!

  2. It apparently has been's Miley Cyrus, not Mirey Cirus :)

    Anyway, this is my way of saying I miss you and can't wait to see you SOON!!

    You are amazing, girl. I admire you in so many ways.
