Monday, September 28, 2009

Kolkatta Days 5-6

Enjoying everything.
Yesterday I worked at Daya Dan in the afternoon instead of going back to Prem Dan, with Publio (Brazil) and Emily (from the USA.) It's for severely mentally challenged young boys. They were really precious but very challenging. They suffer from several diseases and conditions like cerebral palsy, parkinsons, and mnay others I'm nto even sure. Some are very low functioning, I was feeding a few of them some fruity pulpy snack and I would put it in their mouth with a spoon and they wouldn't realize it was there and just sit there with it in their mouths and let it drip out. Very humbling but I'm glad I get to help a little bit. The children will pull themselves around the floor with their arms but they seem to be very happy. It was very fun trying to read to them, especially to this one little boy who would laugh every time I spoke it Spanish but not when I spoke in English...haha so cute. So I would try to translate the books into Spanish for him and he was cracking up. Pretty much none of them speak, not even Bengali or Hindi so they communicate with smiles and grunts and gestures (the older women also almost always communicate like this.)

I'm going to the idol dunking part of the puja down by the river this afternoon. I had to say goodbye to Yoshi and Publio because they are going to Nepal for a 2 week trek then coming to my school so yea!!! I also learned that I love lassi a fruit yogurt drink that' s ammmmmmmmazing! There is a chance to go the the leper colony on Thursday but I'm not sure if the train ticket extension will work out because I'm on the "waiting list." lame

The work with the older women is very difficult physically and mentally it has its rewards though. I'm having a very difficult time writing my experiences because this doesn't translate. I might not blog again until Sarnath unless I really feel like it because I feel like I need to let people know what's going on but I'm not sure what I'm even thinking so it's difficult and I'm not motivated because it feels like work.

1 comment:

  1. It has to be just emotionally draining to see people who suffer so much. Their smiles and laughter has got to warm your heart, because that is all they have to give back to someone who is trying to help them. And no you can not stay there forever, I need you back at home also :)
    Love and prayers
